Electrocatalytic Green Engineering Group


To develop a small electron accelerator operating up to 50keV in order to bombard an electrolytic solution with an electron beam (typically 10-100eV in the electrolyte). The aim is to provide a research tool to allow the fundamental study of the highly reducing solvated electron in aqueous electrolytes.


We thank our Sponsors for their support.

MEGA (Mini Electron Gun Accelerator)

Mini Electron Gun Accelerator


The solvated electron is known to be highly reducing. In our research we focus on producing solvated electrons by glow discharge electrolysis. To be able to conduct further fundamental studies a source of known energy and charge is required.

An electrostatic, linear electron accelerator with a bending magnet for electron energy selection was selected for this purpous. The electrons are produced by room temperature field emision and accelerated by an electrical field of about 100kV. The video below gives an overview of the system.

MEGA animation

The final objective of the electron accelerator under development is to be able to bombard an electrolytic solution with a beam with an energy of a few 10-100eV. Reaction kinetics of the electron with ions in the electrolyte will be studied using a dual band flow cell.

The animation below, made by the capstone team using SolidWorks 2011 and Cinema 4D, gives an overview of the system.

MEGA animation